Essent Spa is proud to have the newest and most advance medical spa facial treatments available for skin rejuvenation, scar treatment, hair removal, and more. We serve the communities of Philadelphia, Rosemont, Gladwyne, and the surrounding areas.
What Laser Treatments Do You Offer?
Why Should I Have a Facial Laser Treatment?
No one wants age spots, but what causes them? Age spots are the result of sun damage to the skin. They are an unfortunate side effect of tanning. When you are exposed to sunlight, your skin responds to ultraviolet radiation by producing melanin, a pigment that protects the skin from burning. After years of sun exposure, your skin will produce melanin unevenly, making the skin darker in some places. This uneven skin pigmentation makes you look older. Lasers can be used to target these pigments and reduce unwanted and unsightly pigments.
What are the Different Types of Laser Treatments for Facial Rejuvenation?
The two most popular laser rejuvenation procedures for the face are the Essent Rejuvenator and the Essent Age Eraser. Our professional staff will help guide you to the correct treatment for your skin and goals. In general, if your primary concern is uneven pigmentation, we love the Rejuvenator. If your primary concern is wrinkling and pore size, then we recommend the Eraser. Many clients will use both of these treatments in a customized treatment plan.